guangzhou 發表於 24/12/2010 08:47:50


欧美,日韩及东南亚,中东,俄罗斯,巴西等国际采购商组团亲临FISHGUANGZHOU现场观摩采购安排1000名国内外主流经销代理商食宿以及绿色通道参观采购 全球瞩目钓界采购盛会 FishGuangzhou2011国际展商方面:美国EAGLE CLAW将为到场的专业采购商展示2011年最新鱼钩系列产品Snelled Hooks、Rigs、Kits & Assortments、Classic Hooks、Double Hooks、Treble Hooks、Jigs、Monofilament。
Eagle Claw products have been trusted worldwide since 1925. Eagle Claw is the only fishhook made in the USA. Eagle Claw also offers a complete line of rods, reels, terminal tackle and bait products that you can rely on.
欧洲展团——国际抛竿联合协会(ICSF)负责人赫尔穆特先生致函组委会,决定以200平方展出面积参加2011广州国际钓鱼用品展,同时组织其会员单位到场参会,并邀请室内抛竿运动锦标赛冠军选手(阿莱娜KLÄUSLER、格哈德 LAY、沃纳GATTERMAIER、赫尔穆特HOCHWARTNER、马库斯KLÄUSLER)现场举行交流表演活动,届时将为现场观众展示最新欧洲钓竿装备。
上图:国际协会在欧洲参加巡回赛时携本展会信息进行海外宣传 详情请登录ICSF官方网站 CASTINGSPORT简介:Casting is a tournament sport in which skilled athletes compete in fly-casting and in plug-casting disciplines. The sport is made up of accuracy-based disciplines and of distance-based disciplines. In both, the athletes use rods which are very similar to angling rods. This sport uses plastic weights or hooks less flies, and can be held on water or on athletic fields. in the 1970s the practice of the sport moved from water ponds to sporting grounds .Tournament casting started in the 1860s and continued ever since to develop into its contemporary form.Despite the sport's long history, it took until the 1950s before a proper world governing body took charge of the sport. The International Casting Federation was founded 1956.Since then, world and continental championships have been organized on a regular basis every year. In the year 2003 the federation changed its name to International Casting Sport Federation and the acronym to ICSF. Since 1981 Casting Sport is also represented at the International World Games, which are held every four years.
FishGuangzhou2011观众组织方面:FishGuangzhou2011为做好国际采购商邀请工作,确保企业参展效果,组委会部属20名国际专员和18国内客服人员,自2010年7月起启动采购商组织工作,与国际抛竿联合协会、亚洲渔具商务联盟协会等十多家国际行业机构结成战略合作伙伴关系。经过4个月的运作,包括欧美、亚洲、东南亚、中东、非洲、香港、台湾等40多个国家及地区已经有257(截止11月30日)家采购商与FishGuangzhou2011联系参观采购事宜,并将带来大量国际采购订单与贸易合作商机。 FishGuangzhou2011部分国外采购商(排名不分先后):Leeda, Foot Strip, Bros Tackle, Mile Harbor Boat Yard, Fuel Stop, Absolute Marine, A J Fishing Interational, Active Tackle Supplies, Adam Fishing Tackles, Advik International, Albatros Hengelsport Int. B.V., Alpiflyfishing Srl, Alter Electric Ltd., American Nautics, Angelo's Sport fishing Tackle Inc., Angler Sac, Anglers Central Service Centre, Apex Corporation cc, ASA Boot Electro B.V., Aspe Angler Sarl,Badger Ltd., Bait Distributors,Basser Millyard Pty Ltd,Benz Fishing Baits Pvt Ltd, Big R Fly Shop,Bios AB,Sweden,Boryung Fishing Rod Co.,Boyd Fishing Tackle,Dan Shoptaw & Assoc.,Argentina,David Resource Co Ltd,Del Norte Outdoors,藤原作太郎商店,下田漁具,Z Zadravec Rakican d.o.o,Slovenia,Worth Field Enterprises,Pakistan等等专业采购商。 鸣谢品牌(排名不分先后):

等等。 行业龙头积极参与,媒体全方位立体推广:FishGuangzhou2011组委会力邀Shimano、Rapala、Daiwa、Megabass、Pure Fishing、VMC、Zebco、Okuma、Gamakatsu、Etuoh、Tica、Strike Pro、Mustad等龙头参加。 FishGuangzhou2011与马来西亚《Rod & Line》、韩国《Monthly Fishing 21》、英国《Angling International》、《亚洲渔具商情》、《鱼乐双周》、《风尚海峡》、《发现资源》、中国制造商网等100多家渔具行业权威媒体达成合作,展开深度观众组织工作。 目前,邀请到国内专业观众包括:中钓发渔具市场、天津春华渔具社、碧川渔具行、上海顺盛渔具行、广东水产总公司渔业公司钓具部、深圳金微渔具店、南京双渔贸易商行、无锡家明渔具公司、武进明都商业城渔具总汇、芜湖老崔渔具商店、山西长治崔办渔具部、邢台市立秀渔具店、石家庄市立秀渔具店、大洋渔具店、绿波渔具行、黎明渔具店、斯达钓具公司、武汉荣东渔具店、武汉市艺海渔具总店、武汉光彩渔具批发部、宁乡神标渔具批发部、株洲皇冠渔具总行、长沙中意渔具商场、长沙岳麓区荣湾渔具店、成都浪潮钓具、广西南宁钓鱼俱乐部、云南昆湖文体钓具公司、昆明市明昌渔具行、安顺老年渔具服务中心、宁夏鼓楼花木渔具店、乌鲁木齐扬子江渔具店、香港业余钓鱼会公司、香港新华渔具公司、台湾明旺钓具有限公司等采购专员及媒体等6207名(截止11月30日)专业观众预定到会参观采购。 【预约参会】地址:广州市天河区车陂路318号美景花苑二楼(510660)联系人:叶剑锋 先生

手机:135 7031 1376电话:020-28314758 / 68 /78


网址:www.guangzhoufish.com采购商组织中心:广州市中山大道中38号加悦大厦802B室   全国免费热线:4006-258-268
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查看完整版本: 2011第二届广州国际钓鱼用品展--展会快讯