我報左名喇! 係唔係仲有位架?:em35
請問何時及如何交錢? 就留意PM :me33 同學們 記得 入數後 通知我... still have sit?I want to join but don't know how. 原帖由 tommee 於 2008-6-11 00:09 發表 http://www.fishinghk.com/forum/images/common/back.gifstill have sit?I want to join but don't know how.
13 號 報左名果d 人冇回我... 我當取消...
你補上... 好嗎..? gil sir,
ok...thanks.coz I am new hand of lure... want to know more about that.thanks 原帖由 gilsonli 於 2008-6-10 23:01 發表 http://www.fishinghk.com/forum/images/common/back.gif
同學們 記得 入數後 通知我...
:bq37 ...冇資料...入數?!
............校長...係咪我冇收到PM?! 原帖由 panda 於 2008-6-11 22:08 發表 http://www.fishinghk.com/forum/images/common/back.gif
:bq37 ...冇資料...入數?!
我CHECK 到你睇左個 PM KA... 我2008/06/05 SEND.....
OKLA 我再SEND 多次... 同學們... 請注意...
如果在 2008/06/13 前未與我聯絡確認... 將會以自動放棄論... 由後備補上...