朋友們,雖然我而家冇時間釣魚,但繼續update下其他香港fly友釣穫。今次係聖地Christmas Island,有時間要去玩下喇,緊記要帶多幾副後備,竿會斷,線會斷,攪迫力會燒
"My wife and I recently went to Christmas Island for a two week trip with a few days in Fiji first. Fishing was great but rather expensive on tackle - we had broken 8/0 SL12s, broken 60lb leader, broken 100lb leader, broken fly lines, lost fly lines, burned out drag on an Abel 13, burn marks on my fishing glove, broken Crosscurrent rod! The big expense was fly lines, we wrecked most bonefish lines on the coral and all my 11 and 13# lines on GTs. "