
[釣行] Ma On Shan @ Oct 06

stevenl_604 發表於 6/10/2007 18:40:06 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式 IP:- 香港
So I took the midnight mini bus to Ma On Shan and arrived way too early today.  The bait shop in the market opened at 6:30 so that made me arrived at the fishing spot at 7:00.  The tide was high by that time and the water was not moving.  Started fishing, no bite.  Pretty much reflected what Nortoncamel predicted on the eating habit of the black breams there.  Ok at around 9am the first fish hookeed, it weights about poundful and I think it is already bigger than the largest one I caught last time...a good start.  After that all are small ones, nothing special.

At 11ish big bite started.  I hooked a 25cm.  Seeing that it is quite big, I tried to scoop it with my net but couldn't do it as the seawall is too high.  I actually dragged the fish and walked for a long way to one of the small pier on the seawall to scoop it.  Pretty funny situation .  Right after this one another poundful was hooked.  I was really excited by then as this is the first time I have 3 sizable fish retented on the fish-lock at the same time.

After that the bite stopped.  I fished till 3ish (not much bite by then) and the security guy who let me in last time politely asked me to leave, saying that his manager has came.  To ensure myself and other brothers will have unoffical access to that fishing spot, I quickly packed up and leave.  So I would say we can actually get in there but remember to respect their authority so we can continue to have access granted.  Below you can see the pic of the entrance in the middle of the site (per Nortoncamel's request), which is the better entrance as the security guys sits in another entrance at the end of the site.

That concludes today's fishing, which is very enjoyable and rewarding!  

Today's catch: One 25cm (hopefully close to a "market kilogram"), Two poundful, One palm size, Two 4 fingers size.

I gave one poundful to a middle-aged man who requested it and I took the 25cm home (I will try if it is edible and I want to make a teeth model from it )

Ok now I am going to bombard you guys with a lot of pics...

IMAGE_00308.jpg IMAGE_00306.jpg


[ 本帖最後由 stevenl_604 於 2007-10-6 19:11 編輯 ]


參與人數 8威望值 +400 金幣 +390 收起 理由
pasusu + 20 + 20 神童表現!!
greenyes + 20 &amp;quot; To ensure myself and...&amp;quot; , t
DriftsinkAngler + 60 Well done mate!!!! Two days in a roll ^
kfd + 120 + 120 神童表現!!
亞多哥 + 50 + 25 勁呀~~~~ 勤有功.
飄飄然 + 40 + 40 果然靚魚!!
nortoncamel + 100 + 100 寫個強字!!
amberjack + 50 + 25 你啲英文好掂!!!!魚都惦!


金領航 發表於 6/10/2007 18:45:23 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
 樓主| stevenl_604 發表於 6/10/2007 18:51:26 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

回復 #2 金領航 的帖子

I will try harder next time.....but I heard others say there are 2 "market kilogram" size there...

[ 本帖最後由 stevenl_604 於 2007-10-6 18:59 編輯 ]
KeLvInFisH 發表於 6/10/2007 18:53:07 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
 樓主| stevenl_604 發表於 6/10/2007 19:00:22 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

回復 #4 KeLvInFisH 的帖子

I think so...
nortoncamel 發表於 6/10/2007 19:03:08 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
 樓主| stevenl_604 發表於 6/10/2007 19:07:04 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

回復 #6 nortoncamel 的帖子

Man, it is enough, I am very exhausted already.  And tomorrow I have to teach my gf on her exam...so I will be bound.... ...

I will leave other fish for you man~
nortoncamel 發表於 6/10/2007 19:13:21 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

回復 #7 stevenl_604 的帖子

OK! I will catch them for you then
飄飄然 發表於 6/10/2007 20:23:32 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
亞多哥 發表於 6/10/2007 20:42:38 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
聽到你電話就知你好鬼 high, 努力必有成果, d魚好藍好靚, 今次有冇見到成大群游上黎 say hi ?
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