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sunhee 發表於 15/10/2007 11:11:02 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
日  期:2007年11月4日(星期日)
date: 4th Novemeber 2007( sunday)

地  點:元朗上白泥農莊魚場
activity location: Sheng Bark Lai Fishing Farm in Yuen Long, New Territories)

集合時間:上午十一時於元朗上白泥農莊內 ( 活動當日登記安排,稍後公報 )
Meeting time: 11 am at Sheng Bark Lai Fishing Farm. Activity and registration details will be post later

Fishing time: 11 am - 4:30 pm. You can continue fishing after 4:30pm on your own.

對  象:對是次活動有興趣之各位網友(真餌與假餌皆可)
target people: whoever is interested, can use either fresh bait or simulated bait.  

費  用:每位七十元正(並不包括魚獲)另如想參與之後的BBQ每位七十元正(可選其一或全選)
Fishing Fee: HK$ 70 fishing fee which does not include the cost for fish. If you want to bring some fish with you, you have to pay additional cost.
BBQ Fee: HK$70 if paticipating in the BBQ after the fishing part.

Number of people needed  to have our own pond: 60 people. If we do not have 60 people, we will share the pond with other walk-in people who are not from our activity.

釣  品:每名參加者一絲一釣作釣
Rule: Each person can use only 1 fishing line and 1 hook for fishing.

Fishing bait+ equipment : Please prepare your own equipments and bait. There might be some equipments and bait avaliable at the location for renting or purchasing. However, amount might be limited and might not be avaliable. You must be responsible for the  rental/purchasing fee.

Suggested bait:  small fish, squid, shrimp, etc.

交  通:各有車人仕可自行查車入去...會有免費車位

Transportation: People with car can drive to the location. There will be free parking.
you can take the # 33 Public Van and get off at the location from Tai Fung Street, Yuen Long
you can get off at Tin Sui Wai Railroad Station and take taxi to the location. ( cost about $50 per trip )

Finishing time: Fishing activities ends at 5 pm. however, you can continue to fish on your own untill 11 pm or stay for the BBQ activity.

飲  食:魚場會有各式公仔麵與飲品供應各網友...各網友必須自費...本活動並不包括以上費用
Food and drinks arrangement: there are noodles and drinks avaliable at the location. However, the $70 fee doesn't include any drink/food cost and you must pay for your own at the time of purchase.

There will be lucky draw with over 10 big prices  and many smaller prices. Those are donated by other members.

The main objective of the activity is for forum members to meet each other and have a relaxing and enjoyable time. Some of the forum members will act as instructors who will give demonstration and basic instruction about ISO fishing and simulated bait ( ie, lure,  fake worm) fishing to people who are new to those type of fishing.

When you apply for the activity, please state clearly which activity you will be joining( Fishing only, BBQ only , or Fishing and BBQ). Also, please state if you will be bringing any guest with you. We need the exact number so we can plan the food and space accordingly.

HK$70 BBQ fee included cost for stove place, food and 1 drink.

The fishing location is relatively safe. However, We want to remind that all people who join the activity must be caucious about their own and other people's safety at all time. There is no insurance for this activity. If you think insurance is necessary, please purchase on your own and be sure it is activated on or before the activity date.

Since we have to rent the facility and also prepare for food, all joining members must pay for the fee after their application is accepted. You will receive the payment method in PM after your application is approved. Once you have settled the payment, please e-mail admin@fishinghk.com with proof ( receipt number, transection code) so we will credit the payment to the correct person.

We hope many of you will join us at this activity and forum members are welcome to invite family and friends to go together.

主  線:最強幻象
Leader: 最強幻象
帶  腳:Tiger、gilson、黑雲、鬧爆叔、維記、coolfire、sunhee.....
other helpers: Tiger、gilson、黑雲、鬧爆叔、維記、coolfire、sunhee
備  註:因今次活動實在非常希望可以包場型式進行,亦趁機會讓大家認識認識,請各網友擁躍參加支持!
For those who wants to join this activity, please click on”參加此活動” button
please enter your phone number in the ”聯繫方式” field
Please indicate the number of people who will be going with you, and please state clearly which activity you and your friends will be joining ( fishing only, BBQ only or fishing and BBQ)
We welcome forum member to help out in this activity. If you are interested, please either leave a post under this topic  or PM the leader or the helpers.
Some of the activity photos might be post on fishing magazine. If such possibility is confirmed, we will post the detail as soon as possible. If you do not wish your photo to be posted, please PM the leader or the other helpers. We will do our best to make sure your photo will not be posted against your will.

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 樓主| 最強幻象 發表於 15/10/2007 11:15:10 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

回復 #81 sunhee 的帖子


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 樓主| 最強幻象 發表於 15/10/2007 11:16:24 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
原帖由 <i>kapo</i> 於 2007-10-15 11:03 AM 發表


有咁既樹... 有無興趣一齊黎玩下呀師兄...

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naobao 發表於 15/10/2007 11:55:08 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
原帖由 sunhee 於 2007-10-15 11:11 發表
日  期:2007年11月4日(星期日)
date: 4th Novemeber 2007( sunday)

地  點:元朗上白泥農莊魚場
activity location: Sheng Bark Lai Fishing Farm in Yuen Long, New Territories)

集合時間:上午十一時於元朗上白泥 ...


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TiGER 發表於 15/10/2007 12:06:29 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

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naobao 發表於 15/10/2007 12:18:47 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
原帖由 TiGER 於 2007-10-15 12:06 發表


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黃小腳 發表於 15/10/2007 12:38:54 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
爆叔...末知去唔去到.....到時 WALK IN 得MA

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naobao 發表於 15/10/2007 12:44:46 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
原帖由 黃小腳 於 2007-10-15 12:38 發表
爆叔...末知去唔去到.....到時 WALK IN 得MA

未知就無辦法WALK IN 緊係歡迎喇!!

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kapo 發表於 15/10/2007 12:48:56 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

回復 #83 最強幻象 的帖子

非常有興趣跟你學野 而家問緊d fd總共幾多個再報名喇

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naobao 發表於 15/10/2007 12:51:40 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
原帖由 kapo 於 2007-10-15 12:48 發表
非常有興趣跟你學野 而家問緊d fd總共幾多個再報名喇


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