
[釣場] North Point area

ippie 發表於 15/12/2007 14:41:55 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式 IP:- 香港
Tried this area from North Point Private Pier to Ka Wah....
Saw a few fishes jumped out from the water between the big piers but too far to cast all the way out there.
Or it's my skill....
KeLvInFisH 發表於 15/12/2007 14:46:55 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
 樓主| ippie 發表於 15/12/2007 15:28:23 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
Thx for your encouragement.
See, I'm a newbie in lure fishing...
Want to catch some bass!
frog9394 發表於 15/12/2007 18:31:53 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

呢個位我之四年前中過一條大概50cm的C巴士, 自從東區走廊擴建工程開始之後都未再踏足過了! o個時有唔少生蝦阿叔o係汽車渡輪碼頭裏面捕都偶有收獲, 而家唔知仲比唔比鼠入去釣呢!?
師兄繼續努力呀, 魔法梗有一日會出現o既! 到時放上黎一齊慶祝!
 樓主| ippie 發表於 18/12/2007 13:34:08 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
汽車渡輪碼頭 is all locked up with gates now.
I thought it would be a good area for bass to hang around too.
Couldn't get in there so I tried both the left n right hand side but no catch...
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