
[釣具] Little shopping on day of No.9 typhoon

hiu2006 發表於 23/8/2008 00:47:53 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
stevenl_604 餅絲o係"交通樓"果間買......
kennethnip o係"商業城"果間買......
ps: "交通樓"果間d野貴過其它地方好多架!
 樓主| stevenl_604 發表於 23/8/2008 01:08:49 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

回復 21樓 hiu2006 的帖子

Yeah I know it is more expensive....I only bought the line there and the price seems attractive...

I wonder if we can find some good deal maeuchi gear in Shen Zhen...?

[ 本帖最後由 stevenl_604 於 2008-8-23 01:13 編輯 ]
 樓主| stevenl_604 發表於 23/8/2008 01:11:59 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

回復 18樓 kennethnip 的帖子

4xx is a good price...I already shown the guy that "I know what you are selling and dont' fool me" but he still he offered me 580 so I walked away..

But then actually I got the genuine Hechi 85 Ver 1....

The Ikada 3 seems like a good deal as he offered me 5xx...might be able to talk down the price a bit more...it is still OEM though..
hiu2006 發表於 23/8/2008 02:24:15 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
原帖由 stevenl_604 於 2008-8-23 01:11 發表
4xx is a good price...I already shown the guy that "I know what you are selling and dont' fool me" but he still he offered me 580 so I walked away..

But then actually I got the genuine Hechi 85 Ver 1 ...

"the guy" 係咪中年男人,佢係老闆尼架......同佢講價有d難度,平得好小,仲要睇佢心情!
 樓主| stevenl_604 發表於 23/8/2008 10:31:37 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

回復 24樓 hiu2006 的帖子

Oh he told me the BJ75 at least go for RMB 16xx... ...that is like 17xx hkd then
kennethnip 發表於 23/8/2008 11:43:02 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
果兩間鋪d價真係企得好硬, 羅湖城果間重幾寸嘴
hiu2006 發表於 23/8/2008 12:49:19 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
原帖由 stevenl_604 於 2008-8-23 10:31 發表
Oh he told me the BJ75 at least go for RMB 16xx... ...that is like 17xx hkd then

佢依 BJ75 o係港仔100對人仔98之前返架!
我點解會知........因為係佢攞住本D牌目錄問我邊隻前打攪好d,我話 BJ75!
hiu2006 發表於 23/8/2008 12:55:01 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
原帖由 kennethnip 於 2008-8-23 11:43 發表
果兩間鋪d價真係企得好硬, 羅湖城果間重幾寸嘴

羅湖城果間個sales對我幾好架......Ka! Ka! Ka!
kennethnip 發表於 23/8/2008 13:00:26 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

回復 28樓 hiu2006 的帖子

hiu2006 發表於 23/8/2008 13:22:43 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
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