
[釣具] Little shopping on day of No.9 typhoon

stevenl_604 發表於 22/8/2008 22:52:09 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式 IP:- 香港
So I went to Law Wu for a little shopping with GF as got nothing to do at home and the shops in hk are not opening...

Bought two Shimano fishing towels and a pack of fishing line (and of coz many other stuff by the GF... )  The fishing line was branded for ISO fishing but it is actually the same thing as the Unique brand maeuchi line that we bought from Taiwan a while ago.  RMB 45 dollars ($5 off after a little negotiation) for 150M...not so bad and the I have good experience with the line.  Bought it at the small shop inside the custom tower (not the one inside the commerical city)...


參與人數 1金幣 +50 收起 理由
DriftsinkAngler + 50 毒性強烈!!


DriftsinkAngler 發表於 22/8/2008 23:02:02 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
How is distance of the separation of color???
naobao 發表於 22/8/2008 23:02:28 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
 樓主| stevenl_604 發表於 22/8/2008 23:06:42 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

回復 板凳 naobao 的帖子

No worries the fishing line is China made anyway no matter under what brand...and the Shimano towel I expected it might not be genuine anyway but the quality equals to those that are sold for around 100 dollars in Hong Kong ($37.5 RMB each)...
 樓主| stevenl_604 發表於 22/8/2008 23:10:22 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

回復 沙發 DriftsinkAngler 的帖子

About the same.  Unquie is 50cm each interval and I guess the one I bought is 55cm.
DriftsinkAngler 發表於 22/8/2008 23:16:46 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

回復 5樓 stevenl_604 的帖子

Forgotten the price of UNIQUE!  How much different?
 樓主| stevenl_604 發表於 22/8/2008 23:19:04 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

回復 6樓 DriftsinkAngler 的帖子

I paid HK$67...but it is interesting that the #2.5 line I bought is between the size of #2.5 and #3 unique...but they feels and looks very much the same...

[ 本帖最後由 stevenl_604 於 2008-8-22 23:20 編輯 ]
DriftsinkAngler 發表於 22/8/2008 23:20:54 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
So a good $27 difference!!!
 樓主| stevenl_604 發表於 22/8/2008 23:41:41 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

回復 8樓 DriftsinkAngler 的帖子

Yeah...but I think the line I have now I can use for a quite some time.....I just bought it to see if it is a deal so other brothers can consider....
hiu2006 發表於 22/8/2008 23:42:00 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
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