
[釣技] 飾帶攻略 Streamer Strategies !!

bulldog 發表於 31/1/2010 17:19:50 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式 IP:- 香港
本帖最後由 bulldog 於 2010-10-9 12:53 編輯

Streamer = 從字典翻譯為飄帶/飾帶。

2010年1月30日夜, HappyClam 玩 fly,Bulldog 為新
Shimano Amenista BC 竿開光 !!!

釣果 .... HappyClam 羅菲 .... 中中中中中中 !!!
            Bulldog       羅菲 .... 中中!!!

HappyClam 使用之 Streamer :

Bulldog 交換釣具後之釣獲:

其它常用streamer :
Bugger.jpg   Wooly bugger

marabouleech.jpg   Marabou leech

BUNNY.jpg   Bunny

使用 Streamer 主要方法:
Drag Free Drift (DFD)
Klamath Swing
Downstream Retrieve

Drag Free Drift (DFD) (原文)

Drag Free Drift (DFD). As the name implies this is a presentation where the angler not only avoids adding action to the fly but does everything in his power to prevent drag from disrupting a dead drift. Except for exceptionally fast and deep water, a floating line with an eight to ten foot leader will work well. Floating line is easy to control and the monofilament leader isn't nearly as vulnerable to drag as weighted lines.
DFD is best accomplished by positioning yourself directly across stream from the target. Cast well upstream to allow the streamer to sink to the desired level. Keep as much line off the water as possible by raising the rod tip and stripping in line as the streamer drifts towards you. If needed, mend the line that remains on the water to avoid drag. As the fly passes and drifts downstream, lower the rod tip and feed line to the drift. Make several passes through the lie with an unweighted streamer then add enough shot so that the fly starts scraping bottom.
This technique is particularly effective where a riffle drops into a pool or at the dis-charge of a spillway or penstock. At the real risk of being anthropomorphic, my guess is that fish associate the drifting streamer with a life form that was stunned or killed by the turbulent waters.

無拖拽漂流 (DFD)  (翻譯:bulldog)

無拖拽漂流 (DFD)。顧名思義這是一種毛勾演示方式,釣手不僅要避免添加動作於毛勾身上,更需使用一切技巧避免拖拽(水流對飛蠅線/重量線之影響)干擾死寂漂流。除異常快流速和深水,使用全浮飛蠅線再配備八至十英尺之前導線已足夠。全浮飛蠅線易於控制,相對下尼龍前導線較重量線不易受拖拽影響。



Klamath Swing (原文)
Klamath Swing. This technique is the easiest to perfect but has never produced like the DFD or the downstream retrieve. The Klamath Swing can be accomplished with ei-ther a floating or sinking line. Because the strikes are on a taught line, heavy tippet is a must!
Cast quartering down and across stream; the more you cast directly across the stream (rather than down), the deeper the streamer will drift. A reach cast is great in this situation, however, a quick mend towards the far shore should give the streamer a chance to sink a bit before it begins to swing.
As the current picks up your flyline the streamer will ferry across river and end up directly down current of the rod tip. Strikes usually occur at the start of the swing or just at the end as the fly begins to slow. Allow the fly to hang in the current for a few sec-onds and strike on even the most subtle bump (Repeatedly, I've witnessed trout completely inhale then reject even fast moving streamers without telegraphing their presence to the angler.) At this point you may wish to sling the fly into another drift by using a water haul or you might want to swim the streamer for awhile; I usually elect to play mind games with any suspected fish before beginning a new drift.
As you play with the streamer keep in mind that any fly will always attempt to rest directly below the rod tip. By simply switching an extended rod from one hand to the other, you can easily swim the streamer back and across twenty feet of river. By mend-ing towards stronger current the streamer will speed up, a mend into the slower water will cause the fly to slow and sink deeper in the water column. Make your streamer come alive by altering the speed of its "swim", twitching the streamer a few feet upstream then letting it drift back down, or by pulsing the fly by bobbing the rod tip. Think the fish to your fly (if you don't know what I mean, keep fishing).

克拉馬斯擺動(弧形守搜索) (翻譯:bulldog)


拋投時可向溪流下游45度或橫拋;你越向溪流橫向拋投(而不是向下游),飾帶毛勾越能沉入水中漂流。這個情況下使用 Reach Cast 是最好的,但是,向遠岸作一個快速修撥亦可使飾帶毛勾於飛蠅線擺動前能下沉深一點。

當水流撥動你的飛蠅線,飾帶毛勾便會向橫被帶動到竿尖向下游的方向。魚兒通常會在飛蠅線剛開始擺動或擺動完結,毛勾慢下來時就餌。就算是極細微的魚訊,讓毛勾停留在水流中幾秒,好樣魚兒就餌 (重複地,我見証過鱒魚就算在高流速中能完全吞入再吐出毛勾,就連釣者也未能發覺它們的出現。) 這時候你可能想用水拖拉(water haul)把毛勾拋投作另一次飄流或你會想讓飾帶毛勾繼續暢泳一會;我通常選擇於開始一次新飄流前跟可疑的魚兒鬥鬥智。


Downstream Retrieve (原文)
Downstream Retrieve. This is a killer technique that effectively mimics the true be-havior of a wounded or fleeing baitfish. Just about every animal I can think of will take the path of least resistance when being pursued (chukar defy logic). Deer will run downhill, doves will fly downwind, and fish will swim downstream. Almost all streamer anglers violate this behavior by stripping their imitations upstream.
Where possible, simply cast upstream and strip the streamer back to you. If you own an old worthless rod try setting it up with a sinking shooting head then take it and a handful of streamers to a place where the water is deep, dark, slow and cold... lunker country. Wade into the river as deep as you dare, launch the fly upstream then bury the rod in the water so that the rod tip is supported just off the river bottom by the top of your wading shoe. Strip the fly toward you;the only place it can swim is directly along the river bottom. Simply deadly. Have fun trying to lift the rod out of the water with a large trout tugging your line!

下游回收 (翻譯:bulldog)

下游回收。 這確是一種模仿受傷或逃亡小魚的大殺傷力技巧。我只可想到當所有動物逃避追捕時必會選擇最小障礙的逃跑路徑(石違背邏輯)。鹿會向山腳走,鴿子會向順風方向飛,魚則游向下游。幾乎所有釣手都違反了這個習性,收絲時把擬餌向上游拉。

在可能的情況,就是簡單的拋投到上游再拉飾帶毛勾回到自己的身邊。假若你擁有一枝沒價值的老竿,嘗試配上一條沉水遠投飛蠅線 (sinking shooting head) 和大量飾帶毛勾,到一個水深,水黑,水流慢兼水冷的地方 ......... 巨物國度。涉水到你膽子最大的水深,向上游彈射你的毛勾然後把飛蠅竿沉沒進水裡,竿尾放在涉水靴上,承托竿尖剛好離開河底。收絲把毛勾拉向自己;毛勾只可在河底游動。簡單但致命。好好享受掀起飛蠅竿時魚絲揪著一尾大鱒魚 !



參與人數 4金幣 +380 收起 理由
mabel + 100 寫個強字!!
HappyClam + 100 好有heart
flyfisher + 100 勁!
kfd + 80 寫個勁字!!


zcc411 發表於 1/2/2010 01:14:53 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

 樓主| bulldog 發表於 1/2/2010 01:24:37 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港


       篇文o係好,隻狗會繼續努力 !!
              不過真o係好鬼難譯 !!!  

        Yes Sir !! 不過o係亞馬遜河下游。

 樓主| bulldog 發表於 1/2/2010 02:06:21 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
本帖最後由 bulldog 於 2010-2-1 02:15 編輯

Paul 兄,

煩請提供呢隻得食 streamer o既大名 !!!  
o係咪叫 Die GlücklichMuschel Papierschlange? ?  

flyfisher 發表於 1/2/2010 07:41:34 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
 樓主| bulldog 發表於 1/2/2010 08:47:36 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
本帖最後由 bulldog 於 2010-2-1 15:30 編輯
flyfisher 發表於 2010-2-1 07:41

         得得o地咁話啦 ........ Kakkakakakaa !!!!!

                   語言障礙呢條門檻仍然好高 !!!
Fly Fishing同C&R能夠晌華語地區普及重有一條好長o既路 !!!!
             無 Kfd,無 uncle,無 Mable,無亞Paul,
              無魚樂網幕後隻麻甩叔叔,就無隻狗 !!!
                細聽 Fly 版不足之處,咪攪攪佢囉 !!!
大家唔好釣魚輕心,Fly fishing 仍需努力 !!!!

flyfisher 發表於 1/2/2010 09:49:31 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
得得o地咁話啦 ........ Kakkakakakaa !!!!!

            世上雖然有恆河沙數o既文章 ...
bulldog 發表於 2010-2-1 08:47


之前諗好咗個團隊稱號..........Logo 同布章, 搞搞佢喇, 好似有頭無尾咁

 樓主| bulldog 發表於 1/2/2010 09:54:54 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

之前諗好咗個團隊稱號..........Logo 同布章, 搞搞佢喇, 好似有頭無尾咁

要有歸屬 ...
flyfisher 發表於 2010-2-1 09:49


                   o下 !!!   龜熟咁 !!!  
    叔叔 !!! Logo 同布章 !!! 8號檯 !!! 走青 !!!
HappyClam 發表於 1/2/2010 10:30:45 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
Paul 兄,

煩請提供呢隻得食 streamer o既大名 !!!  
o係咪叫 Die GlücklichMuschel Papie ...
bulldog 發表於 2010-2-1 02:06 AM

德文都出埋, 服咗你
Gluecklich Muschel就係我,
成set streamer買番黎, 我都唔
知乜名, 衣隻係要頂流比动作架
HappyClam 發表於 1/2/2010 10:49:02 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
By the way, Leech & Bunny係 Spey嘅常用fly,
target主要係Salmon & Steelhead, 今次加國
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