VI. Scoring:
1. The primary target species are:Snapper Pagrus auratus, (35 cm)
Pearl Perch Glaucosoma scapulare (35 cm)
Venus Tuskfish Choerodon venustus (30cm)
score according to the total weight.
2. If the length is less than target length, the congress will score according to the longest target fish. If lengths are the same the first caught fish shall determine places, which should be one of the three target species and confirmed by the judge as above.
3. When the total weights are the same, the congress will the decide winner by the following method.
A. the total numbers If bag limit is met by the shortest time taken.
B. the total weight of three fish chosen by the contestant
C. the heaviest fish
D. the second heaviest fish
E. comparing fish until the winner is decided
F. If can’t be separated then draw lots to decide winner
4. The equipment for measuring fish should be approved by the Federation.
5. Before weighing fish, the judges should shake the fish three times so as to eliminate water and record the weights on the record card, with judge, recorder, and contestant’s signatures.
6. If there are any objects or small fish in the mouth of the fish, measure after removing.
7. In the first-round competition, contestants who do not catch a fish are eliminated. Only contestants in the Semi-final who did not catch a fish can use the total weights of previous heats as a qualification standard
8. In the final, if no contestant catches an assigned fish, the first contestant who catches one of the target species in the 30 minute extra-time is the champion. If the fish are caught at the same time, the winner is decided according to the weight. Otherwise anyone catches a primary target fish is the champion. If no fish is caught, contestants score according to the total weights of first-round, second-round and semi-final contests.
VII, The order to determine places.
1. Target species over target length by weight
2. Target species less than target length by length
3. Other fish, no matter what size the fish is, according to sequence of catching fish. (this clause is a special one when contestants cannot meet the requirement of the above-mentioned conditions)
VIII Those things supplied:
In the boat-fishing contest, the Federation will provide the following items
A. One ruler for measuring fish
B. One Bait container per person
C. One fish holding bag
IX Responsibility of charter boat operator:
Public liability Insurance to $10,000,000 current
Maintain all legal requirements relating to safety and good seamanship.
Leave and return according to schedule.
Ensure that the crew know the rules and assist judge.
Manage boat to give no unfair advantage or disadvantage to any competitor.
Give instruction and demonstrate fishing procedures according to the particular requirements of the boat.
Crew shall not fish themselves including live baiting.
Once competition has started, crew shall not assist in any fishing operation including putting on bait, retying hooks etc, other than untangling lines or assisting in breaking off snagged lines.
Provide bait cut and distribute to competitors
Provide lunch and drinks during times of resetting drift.
Shall not troll on the way to/from the bottom fishing grounds.
Target the primary species above
Return all non target species to the water or if high likelihood of dying shall be kept separate from the target species and remain the responsibility of the boat operator. All fish returned to port shall be donated to a worthy charity.
Fish shall be kept on ice but not in water slurry to ensure no extra water is taken into the fish but no weight is lost through dehydration. All target fish to be left fully intact. |