

sunhee 發表於 8/5/2007 12:34:42 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式 IP:- 香港
對我來說磯釣係好好gae 止痛藥. 當我全神x注甘釣魚. 心中只有浮波, C同個海. 真係可放下一切不想諗的事放鬆過來! ng知大家有冇試過. 個人平日緊張到會停止呼吸幾秒,當發現自己缺氧時再吸一下大氣,不停係甘要一下下好辛苦甘呼吸,而自己長期處於缺氧狀態? 有冇日日訓醒起身發現自己D隻手掌上有好清sick的指甲痕? 有冇睡睡下突然好似向下跌, 跌到停ng到甘一路跌落去, 醒左時個人係驚到個頭痛得好利害個心跳得快到好似會跳出來?個種無時無刻的壓力, 真係末感受過係不會明

ng知係D海水味gae 空氣好吸引定係其他原因, 只有望住個海釣魚時我會好relax甘去呼吸. 係礁石上睡著雖然又硬又ng平又污糟,但永遠比在家中高牀軟枕睡得好安好. (除左比蚊同石sut 咬醒 ) 可能我的壓力主要係來自身邊的人. 上到礁上只有一兩個志同道合的釣友, 互相亦無太大的利害關係或機心. 心情可以平復下來吧. 平日gae 武裝亦可放下一會. 雖然我有聽聞過有D人覺得我行事乖張,太貪玩.浪費等其他原因對我抨價不高或心底不太喜歡我.但比起我見過人性可怕的一面相比, 真係太小事.

回心一想, 我身邊的釣友會ng會又係好似我一樣? 會否又係希望磯釣時簡簡單單開開心心甘過而不是想再有甘多事非心病角力? 說到底, 出到去係亡亡大海, 最親最可夠還有誰? 其實就只有係身邊的釣友. 最令我感受到係上船落船的一刻. 上落礁的一刻係可以好dangerous. 如不是有釣友互相幫手,不理認不認識都會伸手比上落礁的釣友拉住作依靠,或發覺有浪時會好緊張甘叫大家小心睇浪,好多時可能自己或其他人都會受傷. 因為大家一條船, 有什麼事大家都不能獨善其身. 不理大家喜不喜歡大家, 什至覺得佢好乞人憎都好, 到要互相照顧的時候, 都會盡力去幫.係身處慣係人情冷淡的世界, 睇到甘的情景, 個心感覺好暖.

所以找到磯釣係好幸運的事. 而我亦會好珍惜磯釣中識到gae每一個朋友. 不景係平日日常生活中能一同經歷風浪面對關乎生命安危的朋友又有多少. 我希望大家感受到我這份感覺.會對身邊的人好一點,體量一點, 關心一點, 珍惜一點. 令多一個人的心暖一點. 好老土吧!!

所以此刻我其實不止喜歡釣魚, 亦係需要釣魚.

[ 本帖最後由 sunhee 於 2007-5-8 12:41 編輯 ]


參與人數 5威望值 +110 金幣 +110 收起 理由
TiGER + 50 + 50 突然正常.中文字又正常
細雄 + 10 + 10 好Q感性!!
oldcake10 + 10 + 10 我好欣賞文章及sunhee的感想!!
anglerboh + 20 + 20 好感性ga一面
jalgp966 + 20 + 20 我好贊同!!


亞Lo 發表於 8/5/2007 13:13:07 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
Relax! Relax! Relax! Never put too much stress on yourself. ISO is just one of the tools that will give you relief.

All men are equal when facing the sea. There are no riches and poors, no high-classes and no low-classes.  When there is no competiton, people are more willing to help others.

I like seeing people working like a team when delivering ISO stuffs to and from the shore/boat.

anglerboh 發表於 8/5/2007 13:17:50 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
有誰共鳴 發表於 8/5/2007 13:43:22 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
鄧波比 發表於 8/5/2007 14:23:30 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
triggerfish 發表於 8/5/2007 16:34:34 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
Hi Sunhee, normally I only reading post but not reply but don’t know why today after reading your post and I just want to share with you some of my feeling. Similar with most of the Hong Kong people I living in a high pressure world work hard everyday. Fishing in Saturday or Sunday looks a good method to relax for me. So I always go fishing.

But if you think a little bit more, after two day relax and you feel better, Is that means the problem in the actual world solved?............... Sorry, you and me still need to go back to work and still need to facing the problem.

I believe you are clever enough to know what I say because you looks much better compare with few days before. The method I use to facing pressure is if I found the pressure is near my limitation then I will put it aside and try to doing something else, after I feel better then I will pick it back and solve it again. So big pressure / problem will become small pressure / problem and some time later you will found your EQ will increase and one day there were no big things in the world because you can handle anything well.
亞Lo 發表於 8/5/2007 17:49:08 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
But something has to be resolved immediately before it gets worser.
 樓主| sunhee 發表於 8/5/2007 22:19:58 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
原帖由 triggerfish 於 2007-5-8 16:34 發表
Hi Sunhee, normally I only reading post but not reply but don’t know why today after reading your post and I just want to share with you some of my feeling. Similar with most of the Hong Kong people  ...

Thanks for replying to my post. you should reply more often in the future too !! ( i must say that as one of the post master here :p ) and you are right. I do feel much better after talking to some good friend last night

I totally agree with you. Fishing is not a cure, but it is a great escape for me. Therefore  i am not calling it a medicine, but a pain killer. Pain killer doesn't cure anything, but at least, it does relief the unbearable pain.  No matter how clever or how high EQ a person has, he/she cannot take pressure endlessly. he/she always need an outlet or a break which they can releae himself/herself from stress and relax. Just like a rubber band, if you keep stretching and stretching it, it will break eventually.  And i think we are lucky. People who couldn't find an escape proabbly either turn crazy or kill theslves.

Seems like you understand what i am feeling and i think you are probably experiencing similar stress in life. So you too cheer up and keep your sunny side up

And again!! Post more and share your passion for fishing here with other people in this forum. I met many people from here and they are all great people
 樓主| sunhee 發表於 8/5/2007 22:22:26 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
原帖由 亞Lo 於 2007-5-8 17:49 發表
But something has to be resolved immediately before it gets worser.

but not everything could be resolved by 1 person's effort unfortunately. sometime we just need to get used to it. sadly...
 樓主| sunhee 發表於 8/5/2007 22:24:39 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
原帖由 anglerboh 於 2007-5-8 13:17 發表
釣魚..真係幾好relax方法..原本想釣魚時好好地想一想一d個人問 ...

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