本帖最後由 漁痴 於 2009-1-6 09:24 編輯
As to C&R, C&R all the time is highly appreciated and implemented in this site for long, he all along kills small fishes and baby fishes without taking the advice of brothers in this site. He is changelled for years in this aspect but he insists his own way. He is a labled small fishes killer already. Yes! C&R is very good, but his C&R for days is not persuasive and it doesn't make sense comparing to his past doings. I do appreciate him doing good things from wrong. But, I strongly stress that It is not a show, not manipulation, not a song but persistent action. Don't tell me ! Show me genuinely.The words is especially to Cody for his past doings betray him. I am sure he can not face HK citizen or his past doings concerning C&R, he has to manipulate the one who can not reach the source of his past doings--outsiders.
解鈴還須繫鈴人, 對一個成年人來說, 除了他自己, 任何解玲人皆不能為他解玲, 結是他結, 結要他解, 他若誠心解結, 必有大臮歡迎, 那有解不到的結, 自己不滿而離開, 反指別人不留餘地結他, 放了火, 不救火逃了, 反指別人不留餘地給他, 這已違反個人道德操守, 釣道釣技已不消談了, 他有否檢討自己, 這要看他了,大臮雙手一直張開歡迎他, 愛之深, 責之徹, 言詞偏硬, 我亦忠言相告無懼
最後說一句, 釣界任何地方, 如果沒有了他, 是否釣界就不能生存, 醒下啦!只是跳蚤一隻, 渺蒼海一粟ja............. |