
[釣行] Jigging - Jervis Bay, NSW Australia

vincent28a 發表於 28/4/2009 11:31:16 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 澳大利亞
Cool.... as Im not rich like you having a boat going out offshore.  I can just go onshore jigging >.<
I heard a guy who worked in Anaconda, he said he always went Jervis Bay for on shore jigging and caught like 10+ tuna and Kingys. so i just wanna have a try.

ptw9281 發表於 28/4/2009 13:44:49 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
Dogtooth ?
Anderson 發表於 28/4/2009 16:32:51 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
Now is the time for BIG yellowtail kings and Yellowfin of the rocks at Jervis Bay. Live bait is the best method.  The really big kings come out now and I mean BIG 30kg plus.

Not to highjack the thread but heres some pic's from the rocks in NSW




vincent28a 發表於 28/4/2009 18:24:55 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 澳大利亞
OMG that's huge.....did they use live bait to catch it ? was that in Jervis bay?
Ive used live yellow tail for fishing before but didnt catch any thing until i use metal jig >.<
 樓主| kaching 發表於 2/5/2009 16:27:00 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
Now is the time for BIG yellowtail kings and Yellowfin of the rocks at Jervis Bay. Live bait is the best method.  The really big kings come out now and I mean BIG 30kg plus.

Not to highjack the threa ...
Anderson 發表於 2009-4-28 16:32

Wa...Thats crazy mate, maybe i should spend a day on the rocks next time when i am there.

Heard from the forum that the Kingy can get by poppers near to the rock, if so it gonna be big fun.

Are u now in AU ?

3368899 發表於 3/5/2009 23:04:53 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
I got Bonito(s) too!
Anderson 發表於 4/5/2009 12:51:23 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
Kaching I now in HK but will be going back to Oz the first week of June but only for one week.
Yes they do hook BIG yellowtails on poppers but landing then is different. Ill be trying to catch some on poppers when I go back

vincent28a 發表於 4/5/2009 16:14:59 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 澳大利亞
yea....poppers can work.....Ive been using it before i used the metal jigs. It works better than jig if u wanna catch some big kingy. I heard my friend said something  call "pencil" actually can use to catch them as well, but i dont know if I said the right tool tho~
abc 發表於 4/5/2009 20:15:54 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
 樓主| kaching 發表於 6/5/2009 17:10:54 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
abc 發表於 2009-5-4 20:15

我唔係呀, 我只係每年都去一去AU釣架ja, 我plan 下年上Carins Popping.

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