

釣魚郎DON 發表於 11/8/2007 16:33:23 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式 IP:- 香港
sorry..too big reaction...bad idea...sorry..

[ 本帖最後由 釣魚郎DON 於 2007-8-12 02:22 編輯 ]
細路仔 發表於 11/8/2007 16:41:14 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
sunhee 發表於 11/8/2007 17:23:46 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

釣魚郎don. 先thanks 你gae好意, 我不太擔心代理問題, 反而我擔心你好心做壞事. 始終同錢銀有關,好易會發生問題. 特別係幫D末見過gae網友. 所以最好只私下幚相熟友人, 有乜事亦較容易私下解決.

1)先收錢後買貨? 甘來到買錯/貨不對版點算?
4)價錢會因 yen 價上落日日不同, 用信用卡又有負加費, 甘點計先公道?


[ 本帖最後由 sunhee 於 2007-8-11 17:28 編輯 ]
大三巴 發表於 11/8/2007 19:21:53 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
原帖由 sunhee 於 2007-8-11 17:23 發表

釣魚郎don. 先thanks 你gae好意, 我不太擔心代理問題, 反而我擔心你好心做壞事. 始終同錢銀有關,好易會發生問題. 特別係幫D末見過gae網友. 所以最好只私下幚相熟友人, 有乜事亦較容易私下解決.

先列4 ...

唔賺錢當你賺錢. 無賺錢都俾人屈賺錢.
好心造壞事, 累己累人.

埋心水, 釣多幾條大魚把啦!
釣魚阿叔 發表於 11/8/2007 20:39:15 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
 樓主| 釣魚郎DON 發表於 12/8/2007 02:29:47 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
原帖由 sunhee 於 2007-8-11 17:23 發表

釣魚郎don. 先thanks 你gae好意, 我不太擔心代理問題, 反而我擔心你好心做壞事. 始終同錢銀有關,好易會發生問題. 特別係幫D末見過gae網友. 所以最好只私下幚相熟友人, 有乜事亦較容易私下解決.

先列4 ...

miss sunhee, thank you for the kindly notice, this bad idea come up with my friends, they always ask me to buy rods for them, thank you for your trust, i don't have to earn this kind of money. i just wondering will i against the sole agents if i post like this, i just want to know, that's it.
p.s.i am not a fishing equitment SELLER.


謝謝你你通知. 這個壞主意是和友人一起想出來. 他們常叫我代買魚竿. 謝謝你的信任. 我不雖要賺這種錢.我只想知如我作出此類代人買釣具的帖. 會否得罪代理.
註: 我並不是釣魚用具售賣者.   ---sunhee

[ 本帖最後由 sunhee 於 2007-8-13 23:54 編輯 ]
whero 發表於 12/8/2007 08:45:16 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 廣東珠海
sunhee 發表於 12/8/2007 22:50:03 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
原帖由 釣魚郎DON 於 2007-8-12 02:29 發表

miss sunhee, thank you for the kindly notice, this bad idea come up with my friends, they always ask me to buy rods for them, thank you for your trust, i don't have to earn this kind of money. i just ...

I know that you are not a re-seller of any kind. In fact, I think it is extremely kind and  generous of you to offer helps to others who wants to buy equipments that are not avaliable in Hong Kong. The reason I am asking you to rethink about this is because I have seen and experienced troubles when helping friends to buy things aboard many times. I have seen my friends getting into fights and even breaking up their friendship all together because of this.

I am pretty sure that there is nothing the official dealer can do about this, espeically when you are not making money, same as fashion /designer goods like LV, Channel, etc.翻譯

我知你並非釣魚用具售賣者. 其實我覺得你是非常好人及大方, 主動提出代釣友從海外買些在香港找不到的釣具. 我希望你重新考濾是因我見過太多因代人從外地買東西而引起的問題. 我見過友人因此而鬧交,甚至反目.

我甚肯定你如代人買後帶回香港是合法及代理無權過問, 特別你並無賺錢. 好像Channel/LV等時裝名牌一樣 --- sunhee

[ 本帖最後由 sunhee 於 2007-8-14 00:05 編輯 ]
sunhee 發表於 13/8/2007 23:36:51 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
I've received a few complains from people that they could not understand our converstation today. Anyhow, since Chinese is the mother tongue of most people in this forum, I think it would be better if we keep our conversation in Chinese so it will be easier for them to read and understand. Another reason is my English language skill is not really that good, and I'd rather not embarrass myself in front of others. Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, please type in Chinese in the future.


今天有些會員說不太明白我們的對話. 因大部份版友的第一語言是中文, 我想以後我們保持用中文對答會好些, 始终會比較易看易明白. 另一原因是我英文水平一般, 所以最好不要出英文帖引人發笑. 所以如非必要, 請盡量以中文回帖. ---sunhee

[ 本帖最後由 sunhee 於 2007-8-14 00:14 編輯 ]
鄧波比 發表於 14/8/2007 00:02:48 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港

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