
Ando’s Hk Journey

Anderson 發表於 14/9/2008 14:19:17 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式 IP:- 香港
Hi Guys

Thanks for an English section/threads for us non-natives here in HK.
Ill post info on my journey in this new found land

Fly fishing the flats

The first fishing trip in HK was to some flats on the other side of the island. There were fish hitting the surface upon our arrival. With a very high tide and the water up into the trees we would have to wait until the tide dropped.

We fished and fished but no fish liked our flys. At the end of the day there was a slight bump down the line. What a fish? It was small, very small, a Cod type thingy.





參與人數 4金幣 +271 收起 理由
freelyfish + 50 Support fly fishing!!!
flyfisher + 100 Something fishy......................
kfd + 100 Artistic Photoes
J.I. + 21 Keepin it Flys


 樓主| Anderson 發表於 14/9/2008 14:22:25 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
Half way across the world to catch a Flathead.

I could not believe it, the morning there were fish jumping and hitting the surface everywhere and the lure finds a stinking Flathead. I can catch hundreds of these back home and its not what I came to HK to catch. Didn’t even know there were Flathead in these waters.



 樓主| Anderson 發表於 14/9/2008 14:25:38 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
100% Chrome

This is a first for me. A small Hairtail liked the Shimano stiffy hard body lure. Good to be on the water BUT where are these RedFish.


 樓主| Anderson 發表於 14/9/2008 14:28:36 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
Freshwater taste

First real time at fishing one of the islands Dams or should I say reservoir . Good to see some surface action as the local Tilapias like the top water eco’s. Once again only small but Im slowing coming to grips with it.



kfd 發表於 14/9/2008 15:41:56 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
You are catching new spec every time. Red will soon be your next
flyfisher 發表於 14/9/2008 17:13:25 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
The Reds are out there waiting mate!
 樓主| Anderson 發表於 14/9/2008 17:33:27 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
Where oh where has my little Red gone. Oh where oh where can it be?
PLEASE HELP ME im going mad . Ive started singing songs nowLOL LOL

freelyfish 發表於 17/9/2008 21:35:06 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
hello Anderson, welcome to FishingHK.

II meet new friends and experienced anglers here. Maybe you can join us when time fit! They know nice places to catch
 樓主| Anderson 發表於 18/9/2008 09:21:17 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
Thank you

People in HK are SOOOOOO good that way. In Australia you risk taking someone new fishing and giving away your spot X. You dont even tell your close friends.

Its so different over here.

Thanks again and will be taking some up on there offers.

489 發表於 21/9/2008 12:27:13 | 顯示全部樓層 IP:- 香港
Hi buddy,

Glad to know you are interested in HKG fishing since fishes here are very small !!
Are you working in HKG now ??
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