Hi Guys
Well yesterday I sore the other side of the world. Not geographically speaking but culturally. Some of the things I sore were so disgusting that I couldn’t even take pictures of them.
The day started like all fishing trips do now, bus and MTR (fast train). But this day I was going somewhere a bit different, an interchange on the MTR, than another interchange MTR, had me at the light rail station in Kowloon Tong for my last train. The light rail is just like our rail system back in Australia slow. I was the only westerner that I could see and people were looking at me. There were posters everywhere warning you of pick pockets. I felt real safe NOT
Any way I made it to the meeting place with all my gear intact. Now I was on the boarder between Hong Kong and China. As I said this is the different part of the world, lucky I was with 3 Hong Kong locals as they told stories of illegal’s who will do any thing to get ahead in life.
We were on a ‘Tarpon Quest’ as this was a new species that I have wanted to catch for years. Read any US mag and you will easily get G up to catch Tarpon, big fish and clean water flats. This place was as far away as you could get from the US picture. The water was VERY polluted and the fish were small.
What they lacked is size they made up for in numbers.
Unsure if anyone has caught them on fly but they are so tricky. There super fast in the hit and spit of the fly. After being hooked they jump all over the place like a Australian Sambo on speed trying to dislodge the fly (90% of the time they were successful)
[ Last edited by Anderson at 2008-9-21 13:30 ] |